

tetreport - Analyse TET journal file


Formats one or more TET journal files into useful reports. Several reports are available, including Summary, Formatted and Error reports.


tetreport [-s|f|e] [-nt] [-q] journal [journal ...]

Where 'journal' specifies one or more journal files to report. If no journal file is specified, current directory and $TET_SUITE_ROOT environment variable is used to deduce most recent relevant journal file. Any combination of the following reports may be specified. The report name may be abbreviated to the first letter: -s Summary report detailing the test cases run and the pass rate for each test case. This is the default report. -f Present journal file information in sequence, but in a more readable structured format. -e Present detailed error information from journal about each non-PASS. Tests completing with a PASS are not reported. Other options: -nt Blank out all times fields to enable reports run at different times to be compared -q Print nothing to STDOUT, but return a failure count for the specified journal file(s). A zero return code means no failures. No reports may be specified together with the -q option.


Print a summary report:

tetreport results/0001e/journal

Print a formatted report:

tetreport -f results/0001e/journal

Print an error report for all journal files in results directory:

tetreport -e results/*/journal

Compare two journal files for differences:

tetreport -f -nt results/0010e/journal > xx tetreport -f -nt results/0011e/journal > yy diff xx yy


Geoff Smith