A History of TET

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The goal behind creating the Test Environment Toolkit (TET) was to produce a test driver that accommodated the then current and anticipated future testing needs of the test development community. To achieve this goal, input from a wide sample of the community was used for the specification and development of TET’s functionality and interfaces.

The Test Environment Toolkit

The TET project started in September of 1989, when the Open Software Foundation, UNIX International, and X/Open entered into an announced agreement to produce a specification for a test environment. The three organizations agreed to develop and make freely available an implementation written to that specification; additionally, they committed to producing test suites for execution within that environment.

In the process of developing a specification, the project invited interested members of the test software development community to discuss their requirements for a test driver. It was the belief of the project that, through careful study of these requirements, a reasonably comprehensive and effective test driver could be specified. Having achieved this a substantial portion of the test development community are now using TET for the development of conformance testing software.

The Distributed Test Environment Toolkit

The first set of major extensions made to the TET by X/Open was the Distributed Test Environment Toolkit (DTET) project that started in October 1991. The objective of the project was to extend the functionality of the TET to support the execution of distributed test cases and be backwards compatible with the TET. The DTET defined a distributed test case as a test case executing partly on a master system and partly on one or more slave systems. In such a test case, synchronization between the test case controlling software on the multiple systems was required.

Initially, the DTET was designed for use as the underlying test harness for the development of a number of network testing requirements, including the X.400 Application Programming Interface (API), the OSF Distributed Computing Environment (DCE) and the X/Open Network File System (XNFS) test suites. Following this, the DTET was installed at other sites and has proved to be portable across a wide range of different systems.

The Extended Test Environment Toolkit

In parallel with X/Open's development of the DTET, another extension to the base TET emerged. This TET version was known as the Extended Test Environment Toolkit and provided a number of enhancements to the base TET, which have proved popular with members of the testing community. The last version of this toolkit variant was ETET release 1.10.3, which appeared in 1994.

Features provided in ETET, over and above those in the base TET, included additional directives to enable complex scenarios to be specified and additional configuration variables to enable more precise control to be exercised over the way in which the Test Case Controller processes test cases.

The Distributed Test Environment Toolkit Version 2

X/Open then wished to enhance the DTET by incorporating all the features of the TET to produce a common toolkit called dTET2. dTET2 was produced during 1993 and 1994. The dTET2 toolkit rationalized the differences in the TET and DTET toolkits by providing:

  • A single toolkit for writing distributed and non-distributed tests, using only a single API.
  • New Users' and Programmers' Guides.
  • Support for the X/Open Transport Interface (XTI) in addition to Berkeley Sockets in the transport-specific parts of the toolkit.
  • Fixes to problems inherited from the DTET and the TET.


In 1996 X/Open produced TETware with the objective of combining all the functionality of TET, dTET2 and ETET.  In addition, X/Open wished to make TETware available on platforms running the Windows NT and Windows 95 operating systems as well as on UNIX systems and in other POSIX-conforming environments.

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